Thursday, January 29, 2009

appeal to heaven

shriek over the winter wind –

spring-trap stays clamped shut


diana l. said...

I love your second line. Are you a hunter?

Pat Trombly said...

Thanks. No I am not a hunter. - Just contemplating the relationship between the trapped mammal and the apparently apathetic divine - animals, particularly raccoons, do shriek and wail when trapped - - for what or whom? Even if the reaction is purely instinctual, we can still ponder its purpose. It must be an appeal for some outside intervention - but the appeal goes unanswered and the outcome fixed.

diana l. said...

Perhaps the appeal was answered, and the answer was "no".

Pat Trombly said...

Yes - but a raccoon, though a scavenger, is a dumb animal, clearly without sin. It would be illogical for God to have heard the cry and judged the raccoon unworthy of salvation - rather the raccoon was because of its position deemed unworthy of judgment itself. Unless man is the judge, and obviously a poor one.

diana l. said...

Not sure you'll get this, Pat, but I have an unexpectedly very ill family member who lives at a distance which will prevent me from being the "spam checker." I think I've got many long trips ahead of me to be present for what I'm told are quite dangerous surgeries and, if all goes well, chemo treatments. So sorry. Would not have volunteered had I known.